The Ultimate Band Geek Page

Band Geek Quotes

Well being a true BAND GEEK, we say very intersesting and spontanious quotes that only someone with a corrupted mind could imagine. Even I somtimes wonder where they originate from, but since they were said they have to be on the page.

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Messages to keep us sane.

  • "Make sure you dry clean your instruments." -Katie (Basson/2001 Drum Major)
  • "I'm a Facist!" -Miss Moore
  • "That facist bastard." -Emma (Alto Sax)
  • "Sometimes I just want to gouge your eyes out." -Stephanie (Clarinet/2002 Drum Major)
  • "First hour what!? I can't hear you." -Jessie (Tenor Sax)
  • "It's all good." -Alex (Trombone)
  • "You and your veganisity." -Jasen (Trumpet)
  • "We couldn't find anything to blackmale you with." -Mrs. Brumbaugh (Band Parent)
  • "I know I'm not very good and I respect that!" -Julie (Flute)
  • "I'm losing my flock of sheep." - Miss Moore
  • "I made that brownie...and the one next to it..." -Josh (Euphonium)
  • "You know you're getting close when Miss Moore starts combing her hair." -Donnie (French Horn)
  • "My big squeak machine." -Jon (Bari Sax)
  • "You guys can wear jeans and a pillow." - Miss Moore
  • "Donnie's carry on was a pantry." -Calvin (Bari Sax)
  • "If some freakish disease evolved on earth and struck down all government teachers, the world would be a much happier place." -Stephanie (Clarinet/2002 Drum Major)
  • "There's two things that shouldn't like you; one is mosquitoes and the other is that thing in the shower." -Jeanette (Clarinet)
  • "This is a dry ride Miss Moore [hehehe]." -Garret (This year he is playing trombone)
  • "Hey I want my pants back!" -Aaron (Trumpet)
  • "We got lost." -Dan (Percussion)
  • "I actually made it to rehersal." -Josh (Euphonium)
  • "Ummm... how about no." -John (Trumpet)
  • "Pansy!" -Traci T. (Clarinet)
  • "I was looking for the little blue bar across the screen." -Jason (Tenor Sax)
  • "She gave me the hairy eye-ball." -Mrs. Brumbaugh (Band Parent)
  • "We should all wear sequence!" -Richard (Percussion)
  • "The flute section sounds like a bunch of pansies." -Garret (Trombone)
  • "You need to move in motion." -Miss Moore
  • "Hey I left my pants in Aarons car." -Colin (Flute)
  • "What round in the ends and high in the middle." -Miss Moore
  • "Uggggg!" -Kristin (Oboe)
  • "I just got a trumpet section." -Mr. Campbell (Band Director)
  • "Alica, take care of your fricken underwear!" -Traci G. (Clarinet)
  • "Nothing but can." -Donnie (French Horn)
  • "I dropped my bari in the water and it shrunk." -Jon (Bari Sax but now he plays tuba)
  • "Does any one know where my trash can went, it's missing." -Miss Moore
  • "Driving with seniors is fun." -Donnie (French Horn)
  • "I sound like Hell, you look like Hell, and you look like Hell sitting up." -Mrs. Brumbaugh (Band Parent)
  • "Damn Trumpet players!" -Jessie (Tenor Sax)
  • "Do I look like a people person?" -Florian (Tuba)
  • "First off, turn around the xylophone..." -Miss Moore 
  • "Sound like a horn? You mean you want us to stick our hands in our bell and play wrong notes!" -Marty (Alto Sax)
  • "Yay for band!" -Katie (2002 Drum Major)
  • "I'm not digging this learning thing." -Traci Tarr
  • "I'm playing all of the notes, just not in the right order." -Jessie (Tenor Sax)
  • "Percussionist I'm gonna cut you hands off and sitck them up your nose...and else where..." -Mr. Campbell (Band Director)
  • "My mouthpiece is gross; I think it's growing plants." -Jeff (Baritone)
  • "Whoa, someone lockered the numbers!" -Donnie (French Horn)

"You know when your getting close when Miss Moore starts combing her hair."

2000© J.L. comp BAND GEEK® Unlitmate phrases