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Band Geek Conversations

Band Geeks have their own language and the way they talk to each other is foriegn to those who are not familar with band geek customs. This conversation took place online through an online chat room. There were four people invovled in the conversation but only two screen names. The four people were in the same band and consisted of a baritone/tenor saxophonist, drum major/clarinetist, alto saxophonist/clarinetist (these three were using the screen name Goathead475) and finally a baritonist (using the BigJ8774 screen name). Here's one conversation and this is what they had to say...sort of...when they weren't fighting over the keyboard...

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BigJ8774: hi, did you have fun tonight?

Goathead475: LOL

BigJ8774: lol

Goathead475: why are you laughing you don't get it

BigJ8774: I didnt have fun

BigJ8774: thats why im laughing

Goathead475:oh stephanie and griggs are here

BigJ8774: oh ok

Goathead475: LOL

Goathead475: sry inside joke

BigJ8774: ok

Goathead475: we were timing you of how long it would take you to respond to us

BigJ8774: did I set a new record or do I need to work harder?

Goathead475: well you were 2 sec late

BigJ8774: oh man

Goathead475: Iam Denneen

BigJ8774: ok

Goathead475: ?

BigJ8774: what was that suppose to mean?

Goathead475: you drum major says bow

Goathead475: the band master

BigJ8774: what?

BigJ8774: STOP IT

BigJ8774: ahhh your confusing me

BigJ8774: bow?

BigJ8774: why?

Goathead475: lalala i can't here you lalala- drum major

Goathead475: no!!!

Goathead475: it's not true!!

BigJ8774: umm ok

Goathead475: hehehehehehe

Goathead475: drum major has spoken

BigJ8774: jessie did you get into the sigar again?

BigJ8774: sugar*

Goathead475: it's not stephanie!!!!!!

Goathead475: yes it is

Goathead475: nooooo!!!!


Goathead475: moooooooooo\

Goathead475: it's all stephanie

Goathead475: no!!!!!

BigJ8774: this is weird

Goathead475: it's all strwbehoptjhkfrhgty

Goathead475: it's the drum major

Goathead475: nope

BigJ8774: Jessie? are you sure they are really there? or did you take too much pain killer?

Goathead475: durp

Goathead475: it'm not on drugs

Goathead475: it's the srum major

BigJ8774: are you sure?

Goathead475: ysehzsy

BigJ8774: Maybe you took too much

Goathead475: no bbut i am

BigJ8774: hmmm

BigJ8774: A baritone player on drugs, that mix cant be good

Goathead475: I told you traci and stephanie are here

Goathead475: no it's an alto


Goathead475: it's a tenor

BigJ8774: oh ok!
BigJ8774: now I understand

BigJ8774: an alto player

Goathead475: now it makes sense

Goathead475: it's the drum major

Goathead475: it's all stephanie now bow

BigJ8774: I heard a sick rumor today

Goathead475: steph's not on drugs, she's our designated driver

Goathead475: what's the sick rumor???

BigJ8774: I was talking about jessie being on drugs

Goathead475: is that the joke

BigJ8774: *Censored*

Goathead475: doesn't suprise me

Goathead475: eeeeeeewwwwwwwwww

Goathead475: !!!!!!

BigJ8774: man thats sick

Goathead475: CRINGE, Pewk , barf shudder ahhhhhh

Goathead475: it's the drum major

BigJ8774: ok

Goathead475: i think i need to gouge my eyes out

Goathead475: It can't be true, I mean come on

Goathead475: she is just weird

Goathead475: no one has had this much fun talking to you- it's the drum major

Goathead475: no


Goathead475: sry

Goathead475: it's the drum major

Goathead475: no no no no no!!!!!

BigJ8774: This is weird are u guys fighting over the keyboard?

Goathead475: no

Goathead475: yes

Goathead475: bno

Goathead475: iit's the cvhdhnuhehjno '/

Goathead475: its the drum mahjro

BigJ8774: the drum major is cool

Goathead475: heck yea!!!

BigJ8774: yeah

Goathead475: jess ie is cool

BigJ8774: she rules

Goathead475: i know i do- jessie

Goathead475: no you don't you suck

BigJ8774: The drum major RULES

Goathead475: that's not directed at you it's for jessie

Goathead475: it's the drum major

Goathead475: noo

BigJ8774: ok

Goathead475: yeah

Goathead475: are yopu confused yet????

Goathead475: it's the drum mahor

BigJ8774: ok


Goathead475: hola me gusta nadar. y tu

Goathead475: I think the drum is sexu

BigJ8774: what?

Goathead475: sexy

BigJ8774: ok'

Goathead475: me enjono a phillip. el es el freak
BigJ8774: lol

Goathead475: do you know what that mean

BigJ8774: somewhat

Goathead475: me duermo a la escuela con el gatto

Goathead475: it's sthe drum majopr

Goathead475: it's the gato

BigJ8774: your weird

Goathead475: i know she's wierd and traci thinks stephanie is wierd too

BigJ8774:stephanie isent weird

Goathead475: but traci's a freak - traci

Goathead475: yeah she is

BigJ8774: naw

Goathead475: jeez, you suck!

Goathead475: the drum majors\y\

Goathead475: njy6h6i8k]

Goathead475: it wwas not the drum maj

Goathead475: it was traci

BigJ8774: ok...

Goathead475: have you actually ever met me?!?

Goathead475: I'm a freak!!!!

Goathead475: \

BigJ8774: well you play alto that explains alot

Goathead475: yeah, but i play clarinet too

Goathead475: that's worse

BigJ8774: yea

Goathead475: the drum mahor plays clarinet

Goathead475: major

BigJ8774: but shes really good

Goathead475: does it matter?

Goathead475: she's the drum major

Goathead475: mahor

BigJ8774: no

Goathead475: mapor

Goathead475: BAND MASTER

BigJ8774: k

Goathead475: it's the drum majbhodhry

Goathead475: major

Goathead475: bnad master

BigJ8774: ok

Goathead475: not really

BigJ8774: ok

Goathead475: ok back

BigJ8774: umm ok

Goathead475: who sats that?


Goathead475: says

Goathead475: yaeah

Goathead475: yeh

Goathead475: yeah

Goathead475: uuyra




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