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Jeff Haas Jazz Combo

Upon teaming up with rival Band Geek, Traverse Central High School and West Senior High School hve formed a jazz combo. We joined a local jazz musician, Jeff Haas, to tribute Martin Luther King Jr. We performed for differing audiences and several student clinics. The members of the group grew musically and gained an awareness about what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for.

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We've been in the recording studio too long.

After all our clinics and night concerts, the group goes to the recording studio. We play for many hours a day to achieve perfection. We hide our true feelings until a camera is present.

We caught our trombonist coming out of the womens bathroom.

     On our breaks from rehersing and practice, the group find many different ways to entertain ourselves. This could be creating a human tower on Jimmy, moving wet floor signs all over a hallway or even putting tape on Joe's back. My personal favorite was catching Greg coming out of the womesn bathroom. Little confused there buddy (j/k).

Everyone must eat instant refried beans.


The bass player.

The computer we were all temped to touch.

The recording breaking human tower.

The crazy Russain conductor.

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